Child Support
Though seemingly simple, child support matters can be one of the most contentious aspects of family law litigation. Concern for the wellbeing and security of children, in particular, being able to provide for their basic needs, can be a highly contested matter. Upon the determination of household income for each parent, the Court can enter orders as to which parent is paying child support, how much basic support should be paid, how should daycare or other special child rearing expenses be allocated between the parents, who should get the tax exemption for the child, how health care costs are to be paid, and even make determinations about how to pay for the child's college.
If you would like to read more about child support, please visit our blog page for a more in depth discussion of a variety of family law topics. If you have a specific concern or question about child support please contact us at office@bainslawfirm.com or call at 253-838-3377.