Anti Harassment Protection Order
Family law litigation often involves the need for protection of property or from the other party, or restraints to govern behavior moving...

Protection and Restraining Orders
Family law litigation often involves the need for protection of property or from the other party, or restraints to govern behavior moving...

Child Support
Child custody and child support can be contentious aspects of a divorce with children. Parents should be concerned for the wellbeing and...

Spousal Maintenance
Spousal maintenance (also called alimony or spousal support) can be ordered when one spouse has a real need and the other spouse has the...

90-Day Waiting Period & Temporary Relief
After filing a Petition for divorce, a 90-day waiting period must elapse before final divorce orders can be entered. The 90-day period...

Parenting Plan
In a divorce with minor children, both spouses need to consider the importance of creating a parenting plan. A parenting plan will...

Divorce: A Few Basics
The Petition: A divorce action is started by filing a Summons and Petition for divorce with the Court and serving copies on the other...