7 Guidelines for Parents Who Are Sharing Custody of Children During the COVID19 Pandemic
The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) has just published Co-Parenting Guidelines during this uncertain time of COVID-19, see...
How to Develop a Plan for COVID-19 for Separated Parents:
Sharing from Family Law Colleague, Tacoma Attorney Chelsea Miller. How to Develop a Plan for COVID-19 for Separated Parents: If you are...
Co-Parenting Through the Eyes of A Child
With a successful co-parenting relationship, your children should recognize that they are more important than the conflict that ended...
Co-Parenting Through the Eyes of A Child
Kids whose parents have a cooperative relationship: Feel secure. When confident of the love of both parents, kids adjust more quickly and...
Happy Kid, Happy Life
Parenting is quite the roller coaster ride. There will be ups and downs, and you don’t know when the next twist or turn will come. It is...
Introducing a New Partner to Your Kids
Dating in general is complicated. To find someone who you are genuinely connected with is tough but adding kids to the mix makes the...
I'm Keeping the Dog! The Rise in "Pet-Nups"
Custody disputes over individual’s beloved “fur babies” has become very common in breakups that it has led to a rise in “pet-nups”. A...
PARENTAL ALIENATION LONG TERM EFFECTS UPON CHILDREN Hatred is not an emotion that comes naturally to a child; it has to be taught. ...
Parental Alienation-Characteristics
PARENTAL ALIENATION CHARACTERISTICS Parental alienation is an appalling form of evil which turns children into casualties of the conflict...